
Talking Domains, That Thing We Love Doing . . . Talking Domains! Jeff Brooks

Talking Domains!

Hello, and thanks for dropping by Talking Domains! My name is Jeff Brooks and I’m the owner and Founder who acquired this lovely domain “Talking Domains”. This domain name phrase is part of our daily vernacular as a domainer and I personally can’t get enough of saying it myself. Below I’ll share a little more about myself, Talking Domains and my mission for all I hope to provide and give back to the domaining community that I truly love and my new platform. Jeff B!

Talking Domains vision, missions, and purpose page

In 1985 I started my first business called, Creative Wall Mirrors & Interior. My business grew very fast and made myself an investment buying my first computer circa 1986 or 87. I grew to love this new technology continued learning on it and how to use it to add value with managing my business financials and creating a customer database. 

Then around 1989 I got introduced to a web portal called AOL short for American Online. From AOL I was introduce to the internet and fell in love with a GUI (graphical user interface) browser called Netscape. Which added colors and pictures to the internet. 

From Netscape I learned HTML coding and started building websites. My thirst of the computers, the internet and websites design continued to evolve and carried me into another new coding program that Microsoft created called FrontPage

Then on to another product called Dreamweaver. With all this love and education set me up to learn about a thing called domains. And the rest as they say is history buying my first domain around 1995-96. And again as they say, the rest is history! LOL!

Create a worthy brand  recognized and respected of the domain community and industry!


Create a platform using my gifts and talents and to be a helpmate for others. To educate, cultivate minds, inspire, encourage and lead by doing!


Today, being a seasoned and matured man, I desire to live purposely in every facet of my life to add value to people, business, this world and humanity. My heart and passion is to be useful, give, teach, and sow time into people.

Internet & Online Marketing • Digital Marketing • Social Media • Funnels • SEO • WEB/DEV • WordPress • Domain Acquisition & Brokering • Google Ads • Affiliate Marketing • Professional Photographer • Mortgage Broker Business • Real Estate Investor


Above are the many experiences I have to use as a domain investor today. My approach is very simple today and very relevant from what I’ve mainly learned in Mortgage and Real Estate. Next would be website development with potential of buying a $10 domain that produces a lead generating website, building traffic that modestly could rent for $200-$500 or more a month passively after acquiring ranking and traffic. In comparison, real estate property considered to earn the same would cost thousands of up front cost and many liabilities and debt. Sharing is caring with a perspective, mindset and skill set can create many varied possibilities!

Clubhouse is where it all began. Circa January 8, 2021 is when I made my attachment to the audio app. I did not know what the heck a “club house” was. But after a week with my party hat and graced many rooms before finding a bunch of people talking about domains. And this was my connecting point of entry aligning with likeminded people.

There were many rooms going on back then, and it took a little time before I went on stage to share in conversations. Can’t remember the room nor the individual that made it all click, but I can remember my need to share what I knew and to add value to the discussion. 

One thing I did recognize is the stage did not reflect people of color, and oh how I wanted to share my knowledge and represent. And as I did, I became more comfortable in my shares, and vastly grew to engage more in conversations on stages. Being a moderator shows a degree of respect with trust and value earned.

I knew I wanted to one day have a room, and in fact the same month coming onto Clubhouse I bought Talking Domain and then bought the plural. From there I created the room, but never felt comfortable on my own to start it and then two new guys I befriended named Todd Ryan and Rico Jones. Sharing with them both I considered starting to start talking about domains in my own room Todd said, start it and I’ll be there with you”. And likewise, sharing this with Rico too he said the same thing and May 2021 Talking DOMAINS launched on Clubhouse with me, Todd and Rico and I thought an hour would be good but we went either 3 or 4 hours and as they say it, the rest is history! I don’t believe Talking DOMAINS has ever shut down in 4 hours.

There’s still so much more to share that I plan to share on the blog so please subscribe and support!

About Todd Ryan Co-Host Talking Domains on Club House

Meet my buddy Todd Ryan, a serious business man, knows, film, domaining and supporter of the cannabis industry.

Todd Ryan Co Host of Talking Domains on Club House with Jeff Brooks

Bobby & Max loves taking Todd on a hike!

Todd Ryans Co-Host of Talking Domains along with his 2 best friends!

Meet my buddy Todd Ryan – businessman, filmaker, domain investor and cannabis-industry professional. Based in Los Angeles, California since 1988, and has co-hosted Talking Domains with me on Clubhouse since day one. He is the founder of American Business Capital Corporation and ABC Productions, both established in Hermosa Beach, California in 1996 and still in operation.

With a passion for writing and film direction, Todd wrote and directed the feature film Rappin-n-Rhyming released in 2002. He’s set to direct his third featured film, Goodfinger in 2023 which he also wrote the screenplay.

As an early supporter of Proposition 215 in 1996, Todd has made a significant impact in the cannabis industry and owns several top brands including CannaHoneyMariButterMEDSODPotChocolatesUltraGummiesCBDerm, and MarijuanaMarket.

My buddy is a very seasoned domain name investor and hosts the Domain Name Law Show along with David Michaels and Jeff Neuman every Tuesday on Clubhouse at 3pm PST/6pm EST. For more information, visit DNLTV.com. And of course you can catch him alongside me Thursday’s on Club House in Talking Domains club room. 

That thing we love doing, talking domains! Jeff!

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